Recent Client Stories


Working with this client, we focussed on getting technical skills up to market speed. Being an artist, she had zero experience in computers, but a solid business taking off, therefore she needed direction:

  • business and technology skills
  • business planning/forecasting
  • bringing website inhouse- building and maintenance
  • Marketing and strategy
  • Product pricing, inventory organization and more.
We worked on creative ways to attract customers, source influencers, and expand her line. She re-launched with a beautiful website and is now proudly selling all over North America and Europe.




I worked with this fabulous, energetic woman on 3 rebranding projects for her diverse company.

We started with:

  • Full Branding Guide for all 3 companies
  • Separated business streams
  • Logo creation, brand colors, marketing voice and strategy
  • We worked together to create an on-brand line of new products, a new outdoor business venture and and a full self-care service menu for her new Air BnB "experience" business. 



This client literally travels the globe sourcing exotic and wild crafted ingredients for his incredibly successful apothecary business. He was selling on Etsy and doing incredibly well, however, his business was running him as opposed to thte other way around. He had the entrepreneurial dream, a thriving business growing at warp speed BUT he had not built a solid foundation for his core business and he was losing control of the details. Together we worked on basic business processes, brought his business into the electronic world of spreadsheets, taught him how to use spreadsheets for sales, revenue tracking, forecasting, and trained his staff on a new software program to track his fast growing production facility.

Together we:

  • created employee profiles,/job descriptions and accountability plans
  • HR processes
  • Full Branding Guide
  • Set up month-end/year-end processes
  • Helped with in-depth insurance policy sourcing/negotiating
This allowed him time to focus on assessing his product lines, delegation of tasks, forecasting, strategy and growth.




This fresh new line of kids clothing was in the design phase and needed to get really organized really quickly. 

  • Created a full Branding Guide
  • Worked on textile labelling and compliance
  • Communications and negotiations with manufacturing companies
  • Worked on drop-shipping vs in-house production planning
  • Timeline planning for production and market readiness
  • Marketing & Strategy
  • Focus group organization and technology for reporting results

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